solution for high-end audio
Paul Isaacs, HHB's technical development
manager, has designed a new portable location multitrack hard disk recorder.
"It is a total, all-in-one solution because it includes two independently
controlled, fully featured 6:2 mixers. [This] means users don't need to
have both a recorder and an external mixer. It weighs a lot less than
two separate units," he said.
The new eight-channel Portadrive, which was shown as a prototype at
IBC 2002, will cost about 11,000 Euros when it is available early 2003,
and is just what freelance sound recordist Simon Bishop was asking for
in our article about location recording
for HDTV.
"It can record six radio microphones on to discrete tracks, which
is great for audio post," said Isaacs. It can also record a stereo
mix of those six, on tracks seven and eight, which is useful for backing
up rushes for the picture editor.
It has a removable hard drive in a "really rugged caddy",
which will be a minimum of 20GB (perhaps 30GB) when it goes into production
- 30GB will record more than five hours on eight tracks at 24-bit/96kHz
"We have been thinking about this concept for many years, but the
technology wasn't right until now," as it required the development
of small, fast hard disks, he explained. Previously, sound recordists
have had to use DAT tapes or two- or four-track hard disk recorders. Although
Aaton has also now developed an eight-track disk recorder, the Portadrive
is the only combined recorder/mixer package.
The mixers can be ganged in pairs, and even six-way ganged, which is
useful for surround sound recording. "I don't know of any other box
which allows you to do that," he added.
"It has a simple, immediate user interface. The user should be
able to operate it without reading the manual." There are no hierarchical
menus, every function is just one or two buttons away. All functions can
be run from the front panel, for off the shoulder use. In that situation,
the top panel wouldn't need to be powered, so can be switched off to extend
battery time. Besides doing everything the front panel can, the top panel
also offers many more functions, but these are easy to access via a large,
clear screen and function buttons.
It has accurate eight-channel metering, which can monitor input, track,
buss, mixer and output levels. It also has comprehensive monitoring, with
six, user-configurable headphone presets, each of which can have its own
decode option (mono, stereo, M/S, etc.). There are solos on every channel.
"You are always in control," he added.
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IDE docking station
To make the recordings readily available to editing and post-production,
HHB has also designed a five-and-a-quarter inch (computer bay-sized) IDE
docking station, which will fit into any computer (or a wide range of
cheap housings with FireWire or other outputs). This allows the Portadrive's
removable hard drive to be slotted directly into an editing system. There
are also SCSI (for backing up to DVD, Magneto Optical or other disks),
USB 2.0 and Ethernet ports. An RS-422 keyboard port allows users to type
in details such as session names. All of that information can be stored
with the audio files and exported as metadata. Audio can be stored as
FAT32 (AES 31 session files with BWAV [BWF]) for use with Windows PCs,
or as Mac HFS format for use with ProTools version 5.0, with SDII audio
files. This means that any professional digital audio workstation can
access the audio directly. "This machine [the Portadrive] would be
happy in post too, so you can just plug it into your edit suite and you
can control it externally," added Isaacs.
The Portadrive has XLR microphone connectors for analogue input and
25-pin AES digital i/o. It has very high gain, low-noise microphone connectors,
with high quality limiters, high-pass filters, delay and phase reverse,
on each, and M/S encoding/decoding. It has full timecode support, including
the ability to synchronise to an HDTV tri-level synch. Using the supplied
NP-L50 battery gives a minimum of two hours continuous recording.
Nov 2002
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